Category Archives: The Headhunter’s Blog

Agility: a new buzzword or a real imperative?

By Philippe Riboton, Managing Director at HR Partners International Executive Search

When was the last time you heard the word “agility”?

At home there is little chance you will hear your partner praise the way you wash the dishes with “agility” or receive the compliment from your hyper-connected teenager that you fixed a flat tire with “agility”.

Women on boards: is Central Europe back-peddling?

By Philippe Riboton, Managing Director at HR Partners International Executive Search

If you ever attend one of those business events organized by the local establishment in Central European capital cities such as Prague or Warsaw – where cheesy older men dressed in tuxedos congratulate each other by awarding each other some prizes for the so-called “best company” (God only knows what the “best company” means) it won’t take you too long to ask yourself a simple question: is there a woman on board anywhere?