Archives par auteur Rémi Sankharé
HR Partners’ CEO roundtables offer a unique opportunity for business leaders to connect and exchange ideas about the ever-changing world of work. On Thursday June 24, 2021 we hosted at the Smetana Hotel in Prague a new “Power Women Meeting” with five leading figures from the Czech business scene.
How can startups align the interests of employees with the interests of shareholders? On the occasion of VivaTech 2021, Europe’s biggest startup and tech event – which took place recently in Paris – I have put this question to Quentin Lechemia, the co-founder of Caption, the first private stock exchange for startup companies in France.
Philippe Riboton is a hunter. His hunting grounds are the top levels of global firms, his prey top managers. The headhunting company of this French entrepreneur has a seat in Prague but fills positions in businesses around the world. HR Partners focuses on candidates that are usually not easy to get.