The CEO Roundtable on Digital Leadership with Zuzana Reznickova, Kamil Cermak, Miroslav Kubricht and Elias Drakopoulos

Miroslav Kubricht, Zuzana Reznickova and Elias Drakopoulos

HR Partners’ roundtables provide international leaders from very different industries a unique opportunity to meet and discuss common challenges. On April 4th, 2019 we hosted our roundtable on Digital Leadership in Prague and were delighted to welcome Zuzana Reznickova, CEO of Luxury Brand Management and BM Management, Kamil Cermak, Chairman and CEO of CEZ ESCO, Elias Drakopoulos, Managing Director for Central and Eastern Europe at Business Lease and Miroslav Kubricht, Managing Director for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary at Yves Rocher.

Repatriates: high potentials or hot potatoes?

By Philippe Riboton, Managing Director at HR Partners International Executive Search

We all know that expatriate assignments generally represent a huge acceleration of professional and personal development for senior executives. But what happens to “expatriates” when coming back home as they become “repatriates”?