All leaders face moments of crisis. But for the past two years – and even more so with the recent eruption of war in Ukraine – leaders are faced with making decisions in very uncertain times. Welcome to the VUCA world (the acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)! In order to discuss how executive coaching can help leaders navigate through VUCA, we at HR Partners Executive Search invited on March 2nd four leading figures from the Czech leadership scene for a new roundtable at The Mozart Prague in the Czech capital. We were delighted to welcome Jitka Schmiedová, General Manager Administration at Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech, Jana Byczkowska, Executive Coach and Partner at Art of Change, Martin Záklasník, Executive Coach and former CEO of E.ON Czech and Olivier Bauduin, Executive Coach and Partner at the consulting company Be Great. A very refreshing and inspiring discussion on how coaching can help modern leaders deal with the climate of growing uncertainty.